What is PPT, PDF Submission, or Sharing?
PDF and PPT Submissions are useful off-page SEO techniques to promote your content as PDF, PPT, and DOC Format. PDF or PPT Submission earns quality backlinks to your site and improves your site’s search visibility and also redirects referral traffic from these Free High DA PPT Submission sites to your site.
Popular PPT and PDF Submission Sites
Below are the most frequently visited popular PPT and PDF Submission sites. Businesses can create quality PPT presentations regarding their products and services and can promote them on these sites to improve rankings and generate traffic to their site.

How to Create a PDF File?
- Create Content suitable for presentation in PDF, PPT, and DOC.
- Make sure to create unique high-quality content that increases user engagement.
- Include the important keywords in the content naturally and add up to 1 to 5 backlinks.
- Add images if the content or topic requires to better presentation
- Give a Name to the PDF, PPT according to the topic (Avoid spaces between words).
- Create a unique title and description for the content.
- Register or Sign up with a Unique Email ID and Complete the profile.
- Upload the file and submit it. Fill in all the details like title, description, tags, or keywords while uploading the file.
- Share the link on Social bookmarking sites for faster indexing.
Benefits High PR PDF Submission Sites are:
- Faster indexing rate
- Makes it Easy for users from mobile devices to open the file with the PDF viewer
- Free of cost and easy to create and convert into PDF or PPT.
- Referral Traffic From these Free PDF or PPT Sharing sites through Backlinks.
- Link Diversity and Instant Search Engine Rankings
High DA Free PDF and PPT Submission Sites 2023
Domain | DA | Spam Score |
anyflip.com | 59 | 8% |
freepdfhosting.com | 61 | 32% |
slideonline.com | 33 | 11% |
www.authorstream.com | 87 | 13% |
www.e-booksdirectory.com | 51 | 9% |
create.piktochart.com | 83 | 1% |
data.axmag.com | 52 | 6% |
docs.zoho.com | 87 | 6% |
docsend.com | 61 | 15% |
dokumen.tips | 51 | 7% |
files.fm | 63 | 2% |
instantflipbook.com | 36 | 1% |
jumpshare.com | 75 | 10% |
online.fliphtml5.com | 73 | 13% |
pdfslide.net | 50 | 16% |
pdfslide.us | 54 | 17% |
share.creatopy.com | 49 | 1% |
slides.com | 81 | 1% |
vdocuments.site | 48 | 8% |
www.docdroid.net | 83 | 1% |
www.docsity.com | 75 | 1% |
www.edocr.com | 71 | 1% |
www.filedropper.com | 88 | 11% |
www.flipgorilla.com | 46 | 8% |
www.flipsnack.com | 75 | 1% |
www.haikudeck.com | 71 | 1% |
www.helprange.com | 19 | –% |
www.masiup.com | 19 | 3% |
www.mediafire.com | 94 | 1% |
www.paperturn-view.com | 51 | 23% |
www.pdfescape.com | 65 | 13% |
www.pechakucha.com | 62 | –% |
www.powershow.com | 55 | 12% |
www.scribd.com | 94 | 2% |
www.sharepresentation.com | 24 | 6% |
www.slideserve.com | 62 | 6% |
www.slideshare.net | 95 | 1% |
www.transferbigfiles.com | 62 | 4% |
www.yumpu.com | 86 | 1% |
issuu.com | 95 | 1% |
onedrive.live.com | 95 | 21% |